Investing in Your Marriage

Invest in your marriage!After a while, many of us begin to lose interest in the relationship that is supposed to be the most important one to us – our marriage! It’s a common theme that weaves its way through many couples’ relationships, making marriage seem more like a chore than a gift. However, the secret to marital happiness is investing in your marriage, right from the beginning.

Perhaps you’ve never heard of this, and you’re wondering how it’s done. Here are a few ways that you can begin to invest yourself more fully in your marriage, right now.

    • Flirt with each other – Remember the days when you were dating? You hardly ever stopped flirting with each other. Flirting is so much fun, and it makes the other person feel great. For some reason, though, many married couples stop flirting after they get married. Start again today!
    • Read a book together – If you’re fortunate enough to have similar tastes, you can pick a book that you both love. If not, perhaps you can take turns delving into each other’s interests. Books stimulate conversation, which is why reading together is a great way to invest in your marriage.
    • Go to bed together – If you’re in the habit of going to bed at different times, unless a work schedule gets in the way, it’s time to nip this in the bud right now. Not only is bedtime the perfect time for intimacy, but it’s often a time when you can take a few minutes to reconnect with each other after a long day.
    • Make sex a priority – For many couples, exhaustion sets in after a few years of marriage. Sex takes a backseat to sleep, and the relationship suffers. Even though your career might be taking off, and the kids are driving you crazy, you still need to make time to fulfill each other’s physical needs.
    • Encourage friendships with other people – Men, your wife should feel like it’s OK for her to plan a girls’ night out every once in a while. Women, your husband should be encouraged to go fishing or bowling with his friends. We need these relationships as a part of our lives, and when you support them for your spouse, you’re really investing in your relationship with each other.

Can you think of any other ways that you could be investing in your marriage? Try a few of these, or come up with some of your own. You’ll find that when you do, you enrich the time you get to spend together, and your marriage grows sweeter by the day.

Remember, you were head over heels in love with your spouse at one time and your marriage was once your most important investment. We’d like to help you keep it that way. If you are considering couples counseling, let the counselors at Orange County Relationship Center help you.  Call us today at 949-393-8662 or book your appointment via our online calendar.

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