Something some find harder to do than just about any else.
Digital detox is the act of refraining from electronic devices for a set amount of time.
Some reading this will immediately think doing so sounds fantastic. Others will decide it’s impossible either due to work pressure, because of their love of technology or both.
So, did this term come about from a bunch of technology hating people? Hardly. Technology can take over your life if you’re not careful.
Digital Detox to De-Stress
We’re not talking about snail mail here. We’re talking about what can feel like the need to be available 24/7.
From smart phones to emails, video conference calls, social media and more, it can be like a persistent heavy weight that’s always there.
You may feel pressure to answer emails while on vacation (Seriously? Who’s idea was that?)
You may also feel pressure to quickly answer yet another text message instead of interacting in a meaningful way with your significant other, children and friends.
The stress only compounds in many cases. Those living in real time become resentful and feel neglected, thus increasing your stress exponentially.
The number-one reason people practice digital detox is to minimize stress.
Sure, some do it to connect with people in a way that matters. But even for a reason like that, the underlying purpose is to decrease stress to make life manageable and, hopefully, fulfilling on a deeper level.
I’m Struggling. What Can I Do?
First, know that you aren’t odd if you have this struggle. Many, many people all around the world are having an increasingly difficult time.
Here are a few ideas to regain control of your life and feel better:
Set Boundaries—Talk to your supervisor or clients and let them know that you aren’t available any hour of the day but that you will get with them as soon as you can. Most people will completely understand.
Practice Long-Term Digital Detox—Leave technology for as long as you can. Vacation is a perfect time to try this. If you’re extremely pressured, pick somewhere so remote that you can’t use any kind of technology so you have a good excuse.
Short-Term Digital Detox—Most of the time, an extended time away from technology isn’t possible. Still, there’s a lot you can do including the following:
- Pick certain hours or days out of the week that you don’t use technology. Replace that time with physical exercise and time with people.
- Step away from your “fun stuff” that falls under technology. That could mean backing away from the news, social media, television or video games. Again, get out and do something else during that time.
In summary, it’s not that technology is bad. We all can be very thankful it exists. We just need to be careful we’re not “overdosing” on it. Balance is key. If it is time for you to schedule your couples counseling appointment online using our online scheduling tool, call us at (949) 393-8662, or text us.