Stuck in a Toxic Relationship? 5 Ways to Be a Happy Couple AgainFebruary 13, 2020Are you stuck in a toxic relationship but long to be in a happy relationship again?…Read More
How to Deal with In-Laws BetterNovember 1, 2019Have you been wondering about how to deal with in-laws better? If so, you’re not alone.…Read More
What to do When Your Significant Other’s Friends Don’t Like YouMay 25, 2016Nothing can stifle the progress of a budding relationship like the disapproval of your partner’s friends.…Read More
You Waited Until After the Wedding to Tell me ThisFebruary 1, 2016As you already know, there should be no secrets in romantic relationships; especially those that are…Read More
Feeling Unloved?July 2, 2015Feeling unloved lately? Are you someone who used to feel a lot of love in your…Read More
When Your Spouse Loses a ParentSeptember 5, 2014Helping Your Spouse One of the most difficult losses that anyone will likely experience in their…Read More
There’s a New Kid in TownJuly 3, 2014Although jealousy between siblings is not uncommon, if you’re the parent of a jealous older child…Read More
Should I Stay or Should I Go? (Part 2)February 25, 2014In a recent blog, I wrote about how young couples—or at least those in the early…Read More
Finding Peace by Letting Go of ResentmentFebruary 3, 2014Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. ~ Carrie Fisher…Read More
Are Your Communication Styles Out of Sync?November 27, 2013A woman we’ll call Emily once confided that she felt a sense of relief in the…Read More
Nonverbal Communication Speaks VolumesOctober 21, 2013Let’s imagine a couple, Tom and Sara, who have always made an effort to practice good communication…Read More
Forgiveness Following InfidelitySeptember 12, 2013Infidelity is one of the most damaging things that can occur within a marriage. Each year,…Read More