It felt like you were in a war zone—because you were.
The enemies were closing in around you. You knew you couldn’t fight alone. But you weren’t alone–thank God.
But just when enemy fire was strongest, that someone you depended on abandoned you. Left you all alone to fend for yourself.
You were going to do this together. You were going to fight together against problems, not fight with each other about them.
If you’re drawn to this topic, there’s a good chance you’re hurting right now. Your feelings are understandable. Here are some thoughts on coping.
Seek Stability Alone (At Least At First)
Is it possible your relationship could be restored? Anything’s possible.
But is it guaranteed? No.
Definitely, own any shortcomings you find in yourself without beating yourself up. After all, you’re the only person you can change.
Trying to control a spouse who walked out on you is the surest way to make yourself miserable.
Whatever you do, though, don’t make a knee-jerk reaction.
Keep your distance from easy ways to fill that spousal void if it’s unhealthy.
That temptation may run the span from risky relationships, overeating, substance abuse, to pornography among many others.
Take small steps towards stability on your own. That means (as soon as possible) setting a new and healthy routine.
That healthy routine will involve meaningful work, adequate sleep and time with those who want to help you, not exploit you.
Stay Away from Exploiters
Speaking of exploiters, they come in many forms and are the last thing you need right now.
There are certain people who can smell suffering like sharks can sense blood in the water.
They often dress themselves up as someone who’s genuinely concerned.
But watch out. Appearances can be deceiving. These are the “scab pickers” who always attend deep suffering.
Exploiters have many specific names: Moral-superiority specialists, Abusers, Gossipers and Controllers.
They make your life worse.
They kick you while you’re down.
If you find a romantic admirer like this, you especially need to be vigilant and quickly show them the door. Such a person can make your life a living hell.
Just like looters creep in and steal after disasters, these people see your emotional wreckage and look for what they can take from you. Helping you rebuild isn’t on their radar.
Find people who actually care about you and allow them to help protect you from the “wolves”.
Get Your Hurts Out
You don’t need to cut yourself–Bleed words instead. You have to get those emotions out or you’re in trouble.
Journal, talk to people you trust and consider scheduling time with a trusted professional.
Getting everything out is, at first, part of your survival strategy.
Eventually, it will be your healing and happiness strategy. If it is time for you to schedule your couples counseling appointment online using our online scheduling tool, call us at (949) 393-8662, or text us.