You aren’t connecting with your girl like you know you should. Now you’re wondering what she wants and why you’re not enough.
Oh, boy. Where do we start?
That could be what you’re thinking because women can be complicated. But they also are easy to figure out on a certain level.
After all, economics is a complicated subject but it’s also simple—Just make more than you spend.
For most men, the problem isn’t in understanding what to do. It’s actively doing what they already understand. Let’s give you the simple version of what your woman wants from you.
To Feel Safe
Your woman needs you to be her protector. This has nothing to do with your girl being weak. As you already know, that isn’t the case.
But your girl needs you to hold her hand when she loses a loved one, stick up for her when others don’t and hold her when she’s crying (even if you don’t understand).
She needs you to be her calm during the storm instead of adding to the turbulence.
The Most Beautiful
Beauty means a lot of different things to people. Everyone can look at a sunset and agree that it’s beautiful. And the reasons people find sunsets beautiful would be pretty much the same.
But there are way more complexities in determining the beauty of a woman. Yes, a segment of our culture would have you believe that beauty is only how hot a woman looks in a bikini.
Physical attraction is important but there are plenty of more enduring qualities that make your woman beautiful. Physical beauty wanes and quite quickly in more than enough cases.
So, given that fact, here’s a good question to ask:
If my woman lost her physical beauty, what about her would still be beautiful?
Those other positive qualities you come up with make up the entire beauty of your girl. Those traits you came up with were always there. They’re just easy to take for granted.
By making a conscious effort to appreciate the full beauty of your woman, you’ll see that she’s far more beautiful than you give her credit for.
At this point, it’s time to tell her she’s the most beautiful. Besides her physical traits, she may have a great sense of humor, be self-sacrificing, intelligent and generous among other things.
Guys, the most beautiful thing about your woman is that she’s willing to put up with someone like you. No matter how much of a stud you think you are, not many women would be willing to do that!
If you treat your wife like the most beautiful woman in the world, the funny thing is she’ll become exactly that. If you try to do it the opposite way, things won’t go well. You can’t build someone up by running them down.
A Marathon Runner
Yep. Sprinters need not apply. Your woman needs you there for the long haul.
Your woman needs someone to grow old with. Someone who resolves never to leave her even when times become absurdly difficult.
It isn’t so bad giving the most beautiful woman in the world what she wants. Trust me. You’ll be handsomely rewarded and your difficulty connecting with her will quickly become less of a problem. If it is time for you to schedule your couples counseling appointment online using our online scheduling tool, call us at (949) 393-8662, or text us.