When your relationship is a struggle, let us help.
Relationships can be the number one place we turn to for support, acceptance and intimate connection. And when that haven is no longer a comfort, it can be scary, lonely, and sometimes, devastating.
Sometimes you never know what happened. Other times it is all too clear.
What we know is that when a couple has relationship difficulties, the partners often stop interacting with each other or tend to bicker more. Either way, no one feels right about what is going on. In fact, sometimes is lonelier in a relationship than when we are NOT in a relationship.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Research shows there are specific relationship skills that couples can learn that will help them interact in more productive ways – and be happier together!
Let us help. Call us at 949-393-8662, or text us at 949-393-8662, for a free consultation, to book an appointment, or to get more information.
Couples have different ways of interacting when things go wrong. Sometimes one is the pursuer, and one runs away. Sometimes one partner is critical, and one is defensive. We know this is not what you hoped your love life would be like. We also know it doesn’t have to be this way.