Your partner won’t come to couples counseling? No problem.

Announcing: Couples Counseling for One.

21 years experience improving relationships with just one partner in the room.
We call it “couples counseling for one!”
Weekend and evening appointments available.

Call 949-393-8662 for information or an appointment.

Here is how Couples Counseling for One works. You share your story – all the concerns and gripes you have. We hear you with compassion. We don’t however jump in and tell you that you are 100% right and your mate is all wrong. That  would be disrespectful to the relationship and in all honesty, is unlikely to help you two get along better and be happier.

You see, with our ‘couples counseling for one’ service, our client is not just you – it is actually you and your relationship. We want you and your partner to be happier and we’ve helped many relationships improve – even though we have only one person in our consultation room.

Please call 949-393-8662 and tell us you want ‘couples counseling for one’ and we’ll get you started with your first appointment. It is time, right?

Schedule online now

If you are ready to get started now, you can schedule an appointment online here.

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